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    Presque tout le monde croit au ciel. Mais est-ce que nous savons ce qu’il faut faire pour y arriver ? Dans Frappez-vous à la porte du ciel ?, Stephen Hill révèle ce qu’est le ciel, comment être certain d’y aller et même comment en connaître déjà les prémices ici-bas sur la terre. Par les temps qui courent, alors que nous nous trouvons perdus dans les profondeurs d’un monde sombre et solitaire, il nous jette une bouée de sauvetage la promesse de la vie éternelle par Jésus-Christ. -Livre d'occasion 196 pages
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    Freddie et Georgie est une petite histoire des éditions de la ligue pour la lecture de la bible.-Livre d'occasion 30 pages
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    Western society is in a crisis: all of us want to be free, but many do not know what true freedom is, much less how to achieve it. Even within the church differing views about the authority of Scripture and its role in Christian life and thought have left split some denominations and left others on the verge of schism. In Freedom & Authority, J.I. Packer shows the true nature of freedom and the only way to experience it. "True freedom," writes Packer, "is found where Jesus Christ is Lord in living personal fellowship. It is under the authority of a fully trusted Bible that Christ is most fully known and this God-given freedom most fully enjoyed. If therefore we have at heart the spiritual renewal for society, for churches, and for our own lives, we shall make much of the entire trustworthy--that is, the inerrancy--of Holy Scripture as the inspired and liberating Word of God." J. I. Packer is Board of Governors' Professor of Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. Dr. Packer is author of many books, including Knowing God, A Grief Sanctified, and Keep in Step with the Spirit. -Livre d'occasion en anglais 62 pages
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    After a minister had spoken strongly against sin one morning, one of his members said, "We don't want you to talk so plainly about sin because if our boys and girls hear you mention it, they will more easily become sinners. Call it a mistake if you will, but do not speak so bluntly about sin." The ministere went to the medicine shelf and brough back a bottle of strychnine marked POISON. He said, "I see what you want me to do. You want me to change the label. Suppose I take off this 'poison' label and put on some mild label such as 'peppermint candy.' Can't you see the danger? The milder you make the label, the more deadly the poison." During the last few years we have been putting a mild label on sin. We've called it "error," "negative action" and "inherent fault." But it is high time that we put a POISON label back on the poison bottle and not be afraid to be as plain as the Bible is about the tragic consequences of sin. Pope Gregory the Great, at the end of the sixth century, divided all sins under seven heads. He said that every sin that a man commits can be classified by seven words. He named the sins: pride, anger, envy, impurity, gluttony, slothfullness and avarice. The have been called down through the centuries "the seven deadly sins." These sins are nowhere collectively mentioned in a single passage inn the Bible, and yet they are all condemned separately in many places. -Livre d'occasion en anglais 96 pages
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    In this book Watchman Nee talks about the meaning of faith. How the righteous shall live by it. -Livre d'occaosion en angleis 120 pages
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    From Heaven - A 28-Day Advent Devotional by A. W. TOZER -Livre d'occasion en anglais 128 pages
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