History and Christianity (underlined)

A stirring defense of the faith by one of Christianity's ablest defenders.

DR. John Montgomery, scholar, theologian and apologist for the faith, developed this book from a seminar he presented at the University of British Columbia. Readable and convincing, the book is divided into four sections : 

- deals with four basic errors

- defends the accuracy of the New Testament documents

- "God closes In",

-If Jesus were not the Son of God


History and Christianity (underlined)

History and Christianity (underlined) History and Christianity (underlined) History and Christianity (underlined) History and Christianity (underlined)
History and Christianity (underlined) History and Christianity (underlined) History and Christianity (underlined) History and Christianity (underlined)

History and Christianity (underlined)

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A stirring defense of the faith by one of Christianity's ablest defenders.

DR. John Montgomery, scholar, theologian and apologist for the faith, developed this book from a seminar he presented at the University of British Columbia. Readable and convincing, the book is divided into four sections : 

- deals with four basic errors

- defends the accuracy of the New Testament documents

- "God closes In",

-If Jesus were not the Son of God


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