A man after God's own heart

Twice God says that in King David he had found 'a man after my own heart' (I Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). Davud was ibe if God's favourites. This was so despite David having sinned so deeply. What is encouraging is that the Lord continued to use David even after his time of backsliding.

- Livre d'occasion en anglais 510 pages

A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart
A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart A man after God's own heart

Twice God says that in King David he had found 'a man after my own heart' (I Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22). Davud was ibe if God's favourites. This was so despite David having sinned so deeply. What is encouraging is that the Lord continued to use David even after his time of backsliding.

- Livre d'occasion en anglais 510 pages

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