Blessing or curse: You can choose

Derek Prince describes the invisible forces at work in human lives, producing good and evil, and their result being the blessings and curses described in the Bible.

Version anglaise de "Bénédiction ou Malédiction « à vous de choisir »"

Livre d'occasion en anglais - 245 pages

Blessing or curse: You can choose Blessing or curse: You can choose Blessing or curse: You can choose Blessing or curse: You can choose Blessing or curse: You can choose
Blessing or curse: You can choose Blessing or curse: You can choose Blessing or curse: You can choose Blessing or curse: You can choose Blessing or curse: You can choose

Derek Prince describes the invisible forces at work in human lives, producing good and evil, and their result being the blessings and curses described in the Bible.

Version anglaise de "Bénédiction ou Malédiction « à vous de choisir »"

Livre d'occasion en anglais - 245 pages

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